[fs-toc-h2]Introducing the Supernova Collection

The Kasagi ecosystem has rolled out the 2D Supernova collection, a new phase in our digital collectible series. Our transition to 2D is more than just a design change, it's a strategic alignment with our mission to strengthen the bond between the anime community and its creators. Transitioning to 2D offers more opportunities for content distribution, easier recreation, and broader possibilities in the anime industry.

This collection is designed for our most committed holders, ensuring they get the best rewards and benefits. In the future, only 2D Supernovas will enjoy future Kasagi utilities.

[fs-toc-h2]How-to Burn

Step 1 - IF your Soulmates NFTs aren’t in your wallet, unstake them first.
Step 2 - Visit the Burning Portal and pick the the Soulmates NFTs you want to burn.
Step 3 - After burning, you can choose to stake your new 2D Supernova on the Kasagi Hub.

[fs-toc-h2]Understanding Burning Mechanism

The process of "burning" an NFT might sound intense, but it’s a crucial aspect of the Kasagi ecosystem. Imagine you have a 3D Soulmate NFT, burning means you're removing this NFT from active circulation.

  • Increased Demand: By burning ultiple Soulmates to evolve into a Supernova, it decreased the overall NFT supply, but combined the value of several Soulmates into one rarer and potentially more powerful Supernova NFT with added utilities.
  • Token of Remembrance: We ****understand your attachment to your 3D Soulmate. Thus, burning isn’t a complete goodbye. While your Soulmate transitions to a Supernova, you receive a non-tradable Soulbound NFT (also known as SBT) of your 3D Soulmate in return.

[fs-toc-h2]Supernova Rarity Probability

How does the table work? Let's say you want to burn 3 Soulmates, look at the column that says "3 Soulmates." The table below shows your odds for each 2D Supernova tier. Remember, your Soulmate's HYPE level can further enhance these odds.

Supernova Rarity Probability Table

[fs-toc-h2]FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Answers to your burning questions about the Supernova burning mechanism.

FAQ Table
Burning Portal  🔸 Kasagi Hub 🔸 Discord 🔸 Supernova Collection

[fs-toc-h2]Are you in? Let's evolve together.

Visit the Burning Portal now to burn your Soulmates!